Registration Price

Student Segment

Junior Category

For Student in Class (5 - 8)
₹ 2000per student
  • Should be a Student between class 5-8

  • Should have Laptops or PCs for Practicing

  • Proper School IDs has to be uploaded while Registration

Register Now

Senior Category

For Student in Class (9 - 12)
₹2500per Student
  • Students should be in 9 or 12 Standard

  • Student IDs will be required in registration process

  • Should have own Laptop or PCs for practicing

Register Team

Senior Category

College Students
₹3000per Team
  • Students from all colleges are allowed

  • Student IDs will be required in registration process

  • Team Should have minimum 3 and maximum 5 Members

  • All members in a Team should be from same School/College

  • No Restriction to any gender ratio in Team

Register Team